% Committed Bytes in Use - The ratio of the Committed Bytes to the Commit Limit. This represents the amount of available virtual memory in use. Note that the Commit Limit may change if the paging file is extended. This is an instantaneous value, not an average.
Available Bytes - Displays the size of the virtual memory currently on the Zeroed, Free and Standby lists. Zeroed and Free memory is ready for use, with Zeroed memory cleared to zeros. Standby memory is memory removed from a process's Working Set but still available. Notice that this is an instantaneous count, not an average over the time interval.
Cache Bytes - Measures the number of bytes currently in use by the system cache. The system cache is used to buffer data retrieved from disk or LAN. In addition, the system cache uses memory not in use by active processes in the computer.
Cache Bytes Peak - Measures the maximum number of bytes used by the system cache. The system cache is used to buffer data retrieved from disk or LAN. In addition, the system cache uses memory not in use by active processes in the computer.
Cache Faults/Sec - Cache faults occur whenever the cache manager does not find a file's page in the immediate cache and must ask the memory manager to locate the page elsewhere in memory or on the disk, so that it can be loaded into the immediate cache.