Blocking Requests Rejected - The number of times the server has rejected blocking Server Message Blocks (SMBs) due to insufficient count of free work items. May indicate whether the maxworkitem or minfreeworkitems server parameters need tuning.
Bytes Received/Sec - The number of bytes the server has received from the network. This value indicates how busy the server is.
Bytes Total/Sec - The number of bytes the server has sent to and received from the network. This value provides an overall indication of how busy the server is.
Bytes Transmitted/Sec - The number of bytes the server has sent on the network. This value indicates how busy the server is.
Context Blocks Queued/Sec - - The rate that work context blocks had to be placed on the server's FSP queue to await server action.
Errors Access Permissions - The number of times file opens on behalf of clients have failed with STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED. Can indicate whether somebody is randomly attempting to access files in hopes of accessing data that was not properly protected.