One of the features of version control systems, is the ability to isolate changes onto a separate line of development. This line is known as a branch.
To create a branch of an entire module or submodule, do the following:
Select the Create -> Create a branch menu item.
In the New branch name input field, enter a tag name that you want to use on your branch.
In the Module to fork input field, select the module you wish to branch from the dropdown list, or type in a submodule from your repository. Eg. to branch out the submodule source/utils, type that into the input field.
Press the OK button.
Or, to create a branch of a selection, do the following:
Select the directory or files that you want to branch.
Click the right mouse button on the selction, and choose the Create -> Create a branchK menu item.
In the New branch nameK input field, enter a tag name that you want to use on your branch.
Turn on the Check that the files are unmodified before branching checkbox.
Press the OK button.
Now a new branch with the given name is created in the repository. Note: The branch is created in the repository only.