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Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Essai de logiciel

  • Introduction
  • Procédé de essai de début
  • Procédé de essai d'arrêt
  • Stratégie de essai
  • Plan d'essai
  • Analyse de risque
  • Cycle de vie de essai de logiciel

    Types de essai de logiciel

  • Essai statique
  • Essai dynamique
  • Essai de Blackbox
  • Essai de Whitebox.
  • Essai d'unité.
  • Essai de conditions.
  • Essai de régression.
  • Gestion d'erreur examinant.
  • Essai de soutien manuel.
  • Essai intersystème.
  • Commander l'essai.
  • Mettre en parallèle l'essai.
  • Essai de volume.
  • Essai d'effort.
  • Essai de performance.


    Outils de essai

  • Coureur de victoire
  • Coureur de charge
  • Examiner le directeur
  • Essai en soie
  • Examiner l'associé


    Interviewer la question

  • Gagner le coureur
  • Charger le coureur
  • Essai en soie
  • Examiner le directeur
  • Question de essai générale


    Silk Test

    A D V E R T I S E M E N T


    Silk Test is a tool specifically designed for doing REGRESSION AND FUNCTIONALITY testing. It is developed by Segue Software Inc. Silk Test is the industry’s leading functional testing product for e-business applications, whether Window based, Web, Java, or traditional client/server-based. Silk Test also offers test planning, management, direct database access and validation, the flexible and robust 4Test scripting language, a built in recovery system for unattended testing, and the ability to test across multiple platforms, browsers and technologies.

    You have two ways to create automated tests using silktest:

    1. Use the Record Testcase command to record actions and verification steps as you navigate through the application.

    2. Write the testcase manually using the Visual 4Test scripting language.

    1. Record Testcase

    The Record / Testcase command is used to record actions and verification steps as you navigate through the application. Tests are recorded in an object-oriented language called Visual 4Test. The recorded testreads like a logical trace of all of the steps that were completed by the user. The Silk Test point and click verification system allows you to record the verification step by selecting from a list of properties that are appropriate for the type of object being tested. For example, you can verify the text is stored in a text field.

    2. Write the Testcase manually

    We can write tests that are capable of accomplishing many variations on a test. The key here is re-use. A test case can be designed to take parameters including input data and expected results. This "data-driven" testcase is really an instance of a class of test cases that performs certain steps to drive and verify the application-under-test. Each instance varies by the data that it carries. Since far fewer tests are written with this approach, changes in the GUI will result in reduced effort in updating tests. A data-driven test design also allows for the externalization of testcase data and makes it possible to divide the responsibilities for developing testing requirements and for developing test automation. For example, it may be that a group of domain experts create the Testplan Detail while another group of test engineers develop tests to satisfy those requirements.

    In a script file, an automated testcase ideally addresses one test requirement. Specifically, a 4Test function that begins with the test case keyword and contains a sequence of 4Test statements. It drives an application to the state to be tested, verifies that the application works as expected, and returns the application to its base state.

    A script file is a file that contains one or more related testcases. A script file has a .t extension, such as find .t

    A D V E R T I S E M E N T

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    Recommended Resources
    • Testing Interview Questions - http://www.coolinterview.com/type.asp
    • Testing Tools Interview Questions - http://www.coolinterview.com/type.asp
    • What is Software Testing?- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Software_testing
    • Software QA & Testing Resource Center- http://www.softwareqatest.com/
    • Testing Faqs- http://www.testingfaqs.org/



    A D V E R T I S E M E N T

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