LoadRunner Hosted Virtual Users complements in-house load testing tools and allows companies to load test their Web-based applications from outside the firewall using Mercury Interactive's infrastructure.
Customers begin by using LoadRunner Hosted Virtual Users' simple Web interface to schedule tests and reserve machines on Mercury Interactive's load farm. At the scheduled time, they select the recorded scripts to be uploaded and start running the tests on the host machines*. These scripts will emulate the behavior of real users on the application and generate load on the system.
Through LoadRunner Hosted Virtual Users� Web interface, testers can view real-time performance metrics, such as hits per second, throughput, transaction response times and hardware resource usage (e.g., CPU and memory levels). They also can view performance metrics gathered by Mercury Interactive�s server monitors and correlate this with end-user performance data to diagnose bottlenecks on the back end.
The interface to LoadRunner Hosted Virtual Users enables test teams to control the load test and view tests in progress, no matter their locations. When the test is complete, testers can analyze results online, as well as download data for further analysis.
*Customers who do not own LoadRunner can download the VUGen component for free to record their scripts. Likewise, the LoadRunner analysis pack can be downloaded for free.
LoadRunner Hosted Virtual Users gives testers complete control of the testing process while providing critical real-time performance information, as well as views of the individual machines generating the load.
Features and Benefits
Provides pre- and post-deployment testing.
At any time in the application lifecycle, organizations can use LoadRunner Hosted Virtual Users to verify performance and fine-tune systems for greater efficiency, scalability and availability. The application under test only needs to be accessible via the Web.
Complements in-house solutions to provide comprehensive load testing.
By combining LoadRunner Hosted Virtual Users with Mercury Interactive's LoadRunner or another in-house load testing tool, operations groups can thoroughly load test their Web applications and Internet infrastructures from inside and outside the firewall.
Gives customers complete control over all load testing.
Testing groups create the scripts, run the tests and perform their own analyses. They can perform testing at their convenience and easily access all performance data to quickly diagnose performance problems.
Provides access to Mercury Interactive's extensive load testing infrastructure.
With LoadRunner Hosted Virtual Users, organizations do not need to invest in additional hardware, software or bandwidth to increase their testing coverage. Mercury Interactive�s load testing infrastructure is available 24x7 and consists of load farms located worldwide. As a result, organizations can generate real-user loads over the Internet to stress their Web-based applications at any time, from anywhere.