Sit Test for functional and regression testing Silk Performer for load and performance simulation Silk Pilot for functional and regression testing CORBA and EJB servers Silk Radar for automated defet tracking Silk Vision for enterprise application health monitoring Silk Express for a scalability and load testing consulting solution.
Silk Test Features :
Some of the feature of silk test are given below.
Easy to use interface
Built in recovery system
The object oriented concept
Record & Play
Multi-kind application testing
Automatic generation of results
Browser & Platform independent
24 x 365 unattended testing
Distributed Access to Test Results
Cross Platform Java Testing
Testing Across Multiple Browsers and Windows Versions
Support for HTML, XML, JavaScript, Java, Active X, Windows controls, and Visual Basic.
Single-recording testing for cross-platform Java testing with the Silk Bean.
Against Over 35 Databases.
Link Tester
Validation of Advanced Database Structure and Techniques
Creation of
Test Plan
Test Frame
Test Suite
Integration with other silk products.
Silk Test Architecture
Normal use of an application consists of a person manipulating a keyboard and mouse to initiate application operations. The person is said to be interacting with the GUI (Graphical User Interface). During Silk Test testing, Silk Test interacts with the GUI to submit operations to the application automatically.
Thus Silk Test can simulate the actions of a person who is exercising all the capabilities of an application and verifying the results of each operation. The simulated user (Silk test) is said to be driving the application. The application under test reacts to the simulated user exactly as it would react to a human rest. Silk Test consists of two distinct software components that execute in separate processes :