The basic silk scripts will be in two forms. One as an include file and the other as a script file.
The include file with the extention *.inc can be used for the declaration of window names, window objects, variables,
constants, structures and classes. The core objects of the scripts lies here.
The script file will be used in writing scripts. It will be with the extention *.t. The body of the scripts will be defined here. ie. the testcases that meets various test conditions will be written in the script file.
The script file (*.t) can be used for declaring objects and the include file (*.inc) for writing testcases. But to make the code clear we use different files for different purposes. If no testcases is written in a file (include), then the include file can be compiled but cannot be run. It will show error that the file does not contain any testcases. Only the file with the testcase present will be allowed to run.
Before running the scripts, separate declaration file have to be written (for declaring the objects) and the script file (for writing scripts using that declaration file) and compile them. The steps to be followed for running the scripts are as below.
Open the silk test tool.
Open the script (*.t) file that has to be run.
Compile the script by selecting the Run-> Compile menu from the menu bar (or) from the compile icon.
It will compile that particular script and the other related files, called by that script. The user can confirm that by looking at the progress status (in yellow color) in the bottom-right corner of the silktest too.
If there is any error, the error details are displayed in the compile time. The user has to make necessary changes.
Then, select the Run-> Testcase from the menu bar (or) else select the Run icon.
The testcases can be run by selectively or at-a-stretch.
If the selective method is selected, it will ask for the testcase to be run from a list of testcases.
After selecting the testcase and start running, the silktest will automatically start the application and start the test from the basestate.
Recording the Events / Action
Writing scripts in SilkTest includes steps of commands with declaration of window names and its objects before that. To avoid these difficulties and to make the process easier (this is an alternate for writing line-by-line steps of the scripts) silktest provides a special feature of recording events.The steps are given below.
1. Create a new Testcase.
2. Select the option Record � Actions menu.
3. After getting the �Record Actions� dialog box, the sequence of steps to be tested, should be done.
4. ie., the programmer has to simply do the ordinary testing process by selecting or using the windows & its objects.
5. After completing these steps, the user has to click the �Paste to Editor� button in the �Record Actions� dialog box.
6. Now the scripts are automatically available in the script file.
7. Save the script and run that testcase.
A recorded statements for logging in to the yahoo site, will look line the sample given below.
The alternate for the above recorded statements will be as below:
Browser.Loadpage ( // Loads the yahoo homepage as the default page
if Yahoo.Exists() // checking for the existence of the homepage
print (�Yahoo window exists�) // confirming that the window exists
Yahoo.objYahoo.Loginname.SetText (�username�)
Yahoo.objYahoo.Password.SetText (�password�)
The difference between the above two different scripts are, the method II needs windows & its objects to declared before the scripts are to be written. It is not in the case of the recording kind of the code.