Provides information about black box testing tools. This term is used to refer to tools that take a black box view of the system under test; they do not rely on the availability of software source code and in general take an outside-in view of the software, which means that they try to explore the software's behavior from the outside. The focus is on black box testing technologies that are unique to software. Overview Articles
Black Box Security Testing Tools [6/22/12 11:09:21 AM] This document is about black box testing tools. We use this term to refer to tools that take a black box view of the system under test; they do not rely on the availability of software source code or architecture, and in general try to explore the software's behavior from the outside.
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Black Box Security Testing Tools [6/22/12 11:09:21 AM] This document is about black box testing tools. We use this term to refer to tools that take a black box view of the system under test; they do not rely on the availability of software source code or architecture, and in general try to explore the software's behavior from the outside.
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Black Box Security Testing Tools [6/22/12 11:09:21 AM] This document is about black box testing tools. We use this term to refer to tools that take a black box view of the system under test; they do not rely on the availability of software source code or architecture, and in general try to explore the software's behavior from the outside.