What is Build Verification Testing, BVT?
Latest answer: BVT is to verify the build for before it is tested by the team. Verification is done to ensure the build is free of errors by running some tests on the build. Also termed as Build acceptance test, runs and. Read answer Explain about basics of Rational Robot - IBM Test automation tool.
Latest answer: Rational Robot is used for testing client server applications. It is a test automation tool that enables test defects managements. Robot also helps in recording the tests and plays back the same. Read answer What are the Risks associated in Automation Testing?
Latest answer: Skilled resources are required which increases the cost. If the UI is suspected to a lot of changes, Automation testing must be avoided since script maintenance can be high.
What is treeview in Automation testing?
Latest answer: In a tree view, the statements can be seen in tree structure. Keywords are use for representing. Here, the statements are nothing but steps that were taken to test some feature...............
What are the pre-requisites to start automation testing?
Skilled and experienced resources. A module or application that does not change frequently........... Read answer
What are the benefits of automation testing over manual testing?
Automation testing is a faster and a comprehensive approach. It can reduce the amount of manual work thereby reducing cost................. Read answer
What is meant by Automation framework?
Latest answer: Depending on the environment and nature of the application, there may be certain concepts, assumptions and practices that need to be followed. Collection of such concepts, assumptions....................
Explain the difference between QTP and WINRUNNER.
Latest answer: Winrunner does not support multimedia, photoshop. On the other hand, QTP supports multimedia. QTP supports .NET and XML applications. Winrunner does not. QTP generates scripts..............
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Answer - At this level, there is no proven processes and has no stable environment in the organization. This type of organization...... What is Fish Bone Diagram? Or Explain Ishikawa Diagram.
Answer - Fish Bone Diagram is also called Ishikawa Diagram or Cause and Effect Diagram....... What are function points?
Answer - FPA is a process to break system into discrete pieces...... What is load testing? What is Performance testing?
Load testing is pressurizing the system until its threshold to see its response. Example can be allowing.......... Explain the Load testing process?
Once the load test is planned, load testing begins. It starts with RECORDING USER SCEANRIOS in which different scenarios............ What type of security testing you performed? A very common task in security testing is trying to attack the system. This helps in finding out how vulnerable.