1)tester-> 2) open defect-> 3)send to developer 4)->if accepted moves to step5 else sends the bug to tester gain 5)fixed by developer -> 6)regression testing-> 7)no problem inbuilt and signoff 8)->if problem in built reopen the issue send to step3
When should testing be stopped?
What is 'good code'?
What is 'good design' in software programs?
What are the different types of software testing that can be considered?
Why does SmarteScript� take less time to learn?
I�ve never done automated software testing before. How long does it take to become proficient with SmarteScript�?
Can SmarteScript� be configured to select data randomly?
How easy it is to modify an existing test script?
How does SmarteScript� load functions?
What types of validations can SmarteScript� perform?