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Florence Infotech is the part of Florence Educational group under Student Academy Education society. Florence Infotech is a specialist Software Outsourcing and Development firm providing Outsourced Product Development services to enterprises worldwide. Combining the bottom-line benefits of Offshore Outsourcing with its recognized expertise in Product Development as well as Product Re-engineering. Florence Infotech also offer Software training program in various software field. Florence Infotech also Provide Consultant for ERP Package in diffrent module Like Human Resource, Finance and Controlling, Production Planning, Material Management and Development Programming.
Besides undertaking development for various business domains, We also provide a specialist software solution for requirements in Various industry. This includes various solutions as school software, hotel software sales inventory software, with computers with programming skills, complete Hospital Management System (HMS) etc.
We also conduct Corporate training program for software course like ERP, CRM, Dot net, J2EE, multimedia,testing and web designing etc.