Interview Question : What is White Box Testing?
Answer : Black box testing is also known as behavioral testing or functional testing. The aim of this testing type is to test the functionality of the application. In other words, the tester checks whether the application behaves exactly the way it is supposed to. Internal knowledge of the product is not necessary for testing the application during black box testing. The hidden functions are not tested in this testing type. While designing the test cases, the specifications and requirements of the end user are taken into consideration. While testing the application, the tester uses valid and invalid inputs and the output is verified against the expected. The aim of black box testing is to find incorrect or missing functionality, errors in the interface, data structure errors, database access errors, behavioral or performance errors.This testing methodology can be carried out in all levels of software testing, namely unit testing, integration testing, functional testing, system testing and acceptance testing. However, it is most commonly used in the higher levels of testing, as opposed to during unit testing. The different techniques used during black box testing are error guessing, boundary value analysis, equivalence partitioning, state transition table and decision table testing.
Interview Question Category : Functional: Black Box and White Box